
Heroic Dungeons

All original normal dungeon experiences are Blizzlike. Heroic Dungeons are being re-imagined to create a prequel or sequel experience on Heroic difficulty. Heroic Difficulty is available for several vanilla dungeons and more will be released in future patches.

Garrosh is a deep-lore realm in live development.

Name Level Range Location Group
Utgarde Keep 69-83 Howling Fjord 3-5 players
The Nexus 71-83 Borean Tundra 3-5 players
Azjol-Nerub 72-74 Dragonblight 3-5 players
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 73-83 Dragonblight 3-5 players
Drak'Tharon Keep 74-83 Zul'Drak 3-5 players
Violet Hold 75-83 Dalaran 3-5 players
Gundrak 74-83 Zul'Drak 3-5 players
Halls of Stone 77-83 The Storm Peaks 3-5 players
Halls of Lightning 79-83 The Storm Peaks 3-5 players
Utgarde Pinnacle 79-83 Howling Fjord 3-5 players
Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme 79-83 Tanaris 3-5 players
Trial of the Champion 80-83 Icecrown 3-5 players
The Oculus 80-83 Borean Tundra 3-5 players
The Forge of Souls 80-83 Icecrown 3-5 players
Pit of Saron 80-83 Icecrown 3-5 players
Halls of Reflection 80-83 Icecrown 3-5 players
(H) RageFire Chasm 80-83 Orgrimmar 5 players
(H) Stormwind Stockades 80-83 Stormwind City 5 players
(H) The Temple of Atal'Hakkar 80-83 Swamp of Sorrows 5 players
(H) Zul'Farrak 80-83 Tanaris 5 players
(H) Shadowfang Keep 80-83 Silverpine Forest 5 players
(H) The Deadmines 80-83 Westfall FEB 2025

Wrath of the Lich King Raids

All 10-man raid content is original Blizzlike. Normal 10-man raids scale in difficulty from 7 to 10 players and offer all the rewards players can expect out of a Blizzlike Wrath of the Lich King raid.

Garrosh is not a progressive realm.

Name Level Range Location Group
Naxxramas 80 Dragonblight 7-10 players
The Eye of Eternity 80 Coldarra CLOSED
The Obsidian Sanctum 80 Dalaran 7-10 players
The Ruby Sanctum 80 Dalaran CLOSED
Ulduar 80 The Storm Peaks 7-10 players
Onyxia's Lair 80 Dustwallow Marsh 7-25 players
Trial of the Crusader 80 Icecrown 7-10 players
Icecrown Citadel 80 Icecrown 7-10 players
Zul'Gurub 80 Stranglethorn Vale JAN 2025